Sue writes: Derby Road is like an archaeological dig, rediscovering things no one knew were there…
The first couple of visits, we were digging out a space for a buggy to get by, and we found drain covers the had been completely hidden.
Last time out in April we were astonished to find an inside kerb, just uphill from the grit bin, clearly demonstrating that a full-width pavement was waiting to be uncovered. More work for us, but it makes us realise that our early efforts lower down, may only be a little more than half -way across.
Then yesterday we discovered a very sturdy retaining wall, possibly dating back to when the road was built, and probably not seen for decades. We dug out a small section just to admire- the welly is for scale!
We also cut back nettles and hedge regrowth, from the top all the way down to The Firs back gate. This was little more than an hours work for two OAPs with an ancient hedge trimmer and a set of hand shears. Which begs the question, with proper equipment available to the highways authority, surely it shouldn’t need to be left to volunteers?