Despite not being an organised session, word of mouth encouraged so many people to turn out on the playing fields this Sunday that we had to be careful to maintain social distancing. It was nice to see some new faces as well as the usual 'old stalwarts', welcome all! We headed off in several different directions. One group continued to clear the hedges around the playing fields and then ventured out into the fields beyond, acquiring quite a haul as they went. Another group cleared the stream/ditch that crosses the playing fields and which and seems to accumulate plastic carrier bags, cans and bottles, sweet wrappers and, particularly around the crossing points and bridges, innumerable poo-bags. Sad to see so much plastic in and around the water course.
The brambles are a week further on, and the nettles are half way to ankle height, litter picking in the undergrowth will soon be more limited until the Autumn, so thanks to all those who turned out.
I'm hearing that Belper Road and Park Avenue are in need of our assistance...
Socially distanced!
The water course before....
...and after!