The forecast is for the odd shower this week and Sunday morning (30th) looks dry. Lets go for it !! Starting after 9am and finished by lunchtime or exhaustion whichever happens sooner.
And of course, subject to cancellation at short notice if the weather gods are unhelpful.
Parking safety barrier
We need our safety barrier in place before the town starts to fill up with Sunday traffic. So if you are bringing your car please try to get there soon after 9.
We need a line of parked cars with the front car beside the bottom corner of The Firs. For those of you unfamiliar with the geography, The Firs is the last overgrown section going downhill on the left hand side, 100 yards or so before you reach the traffic lights.
Please park facing downhill with a generous gap to the car in front, but not enough space to allow another car to squeeze in.
Also please park around 60cm / 2ft from the pavement, so as to leave us plenty of work space on the inside. The road is very wide and there is loads of room for traffic to get by. The pavement is very narrow!
I know several of you will be driving anyway, but the more cars we have the longer stretch of road we can make safe, so even if you would normally walk, please consider driving.
If you don't drive, or don't want to bring your car - no problem!
What to bring
You may want to label your tools, to make sure you take the right ones back home again. If you have spare tools and are willing to share, please bring them (I will be bringing lots). Any or all of the following will be useful:
Petrol or cordless power tools: hedgetrimmers, blower / vacs, strimmers....
Cutting tools: secateurs, shears, pruning saws, loppers...
Digging / earth moving tools: spades, forks, trowels, garden rakes....
Clearing tools: shovels, leaf rakes, brooms, dustpan & brush....
Debris containers: buckets and trugs, builders dumpy bags, and any bags you either don't mind losing (eg old compost bags), or anything you are willing to take to the tip yourself. I will also bring DDDC green sacks.
Safety gear: Please note you are attending this event at your own risk and are responsible for your own safety. I will be bringing sturdy gloves to protect me from prickles, marigolds to protect me from wet, and woolly gloves to keep me warm.
Anyone using power tools should be mindful please of eye & ear protection - and also please ensure that you keep a safe distance from others.
Debris disposal
Bigger branches will go in builders dumpy bags and be taken to the tip.
Small stuff and soil will go into DDDC green sacks or your own bags. I am waiting to hear whether DDDC will collect their sacks. If not then I will be needing volunteers to help with tip runs.
It should be fun! Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday morning.